The Healthy Cook Book Recipe Directives by Laurel Marie Sobol

Mandatory for Optimal Health

-Always use a healthy alternative ingredient for unhealthy ones
-Canola and or olive oil are much healthier than butter in most receipes unless they are cookes, cookies will need to stay with canola oil, unless the olive oil is close to odorless of olive flavoring
-When a receipe calls for butter, try using half the amount in canola oil instead, or other healthier baking oil
-Remember that olive oil burns at a lower temperature than canola oil and if it is used to fry foods, they should be fried at a lower temperature so the oil does not burn and ruin the food
-Always put your hair back in a bun or pony tail while around food so it does not get into the food
-Always keep your hands clean in the while preparing food and handling it
-When handling meat, fish, poultry, pork or lamb it is very important to keep all surfaces of the working area sanitized before, during, and after.  Wash hands after touching meats before handling the other cooking ingredients that will be needed in the receipe.  The meat should not have sanitizer on it though, it needs to be clean and free of any chemicals, and safe to eat..
-Meats should not have any bad odor to them or they are not safe to eat even if they are cooked a long time
-Follow the rule of internal meat temperatures per meat product for safe meat cooking rules for healthy eating
