Two Polar Bears Travel The World in Global Warming By Laurel Sobol

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Epic Global Trilogy By Laurel Sobol

Epic Global Trilogy

This book is about three major global issues affecting the world today.
Part I is about two albatrosses setting out to save their species with the help of humanity.
Part II is about global warming and how it can be reduced as two polar bears set out in the world to find answers to the problem so they can help make it better.
Part III is about a lady who
loves the world and trees. She tries to help solve global warming by making forests sustainable and renewable through caring for the world’s trees.






On a cold and blustery day in the middle of

winter, deep in an ice cave along the foothills of

the great Denali National Park mountains, just

south of the giant mountain range, a small

hairless polar bear cub was born.

It’s mother, Starlight, licked him all over as she

inspected him and drew him close to her teat so

he could drink her fresh warm milk made

especially for him.

Each newborn cub weighed about one and a half

pounds and were about a foot long. He was the

most recent addition on the frozen terrain where

they lived.

She named him Snow Glow and he was the apple of

his mother’s eye. She kept him clean, dry, and well

fed for several months in which time he grew in size

from fourteen inches long and 2 pounds to the

size of a medium size dog come spring.
Not far from Snow Glow and his mother’s cave

was another mama polar bear, Natalie, who had

just given birth to her single baby girl cub named

Glacia at nearly the same time as Snow Glow's birth.

They were the new "Sea Bears" on the block so

to say because polar bear means ‘sea bear’’ The

cubs would spend the next three to four months

in their caves with their mothers.

Both cubs were Christmas babies and they were

loved and adored by their mamas.

The outside temperatures often hit well below

zero degrees Fahrenheit, and as low as negative

45 degrees Fahrenheit more times than not.

The cubs never felt cold or hungry in their den

when their mother was present because the

warmth from their mother provided heat and

warmth for them.

Snow Glow was a little bigger than Glacia, but

what she lacked in size she made up for in

bearing and attitude. She could nearly

everything that Snow Glow could do.

Snow Glow was just emerging from his cave

with his mother on this fine early spring day in


The cold zapped his little baby nose as Arctic

air hit it mixed with the faintest hint of spring

warmth touching his fur.

He looked straight ahead and saw the giant

mountains of the Denali rising above him and his


His eyes looked higher and higher until his neck

strained with the effort, then he saw the giant

blue sky above and he suddenly sneezed!

The cold reached high into his nose and tickled

it until he giggled. He tried to follow in the

footsteps of mama but he had trouble, they were

headed up a slope and he slid backwards

tumbling in little somersaults back to their cave.

Little Glacia was finding it as difficult as Snow

Glow to follow her mother up the slope as well.

Starlight looked at Natalie, sighed and said,

"Well, it may be a while yet before we can

actually take these cubs somewhere because

there’s simply too much snow for them to get far

on, especially on the slopes." Both mothers

retraced their steps back to their caves with their

cubs and carefully closed the opening most of the

way to keep out the icy cold air from their dens.

Snow Glow loved the comfort of his cave den

and he loved all the undivided attention of his


They snuggled close together as another snow

storm besieged their habitat. Snow fell

light as air piling up more than ten feet and the

winds howled day and night.

It was a good thing Starlight had so thoughtfully

and instinctively ate an abundance of food in the

autumn before she went into hibernation.

She had eaten so well and so much that

she still had plenty of fat on her body to sustain

her while she nursed and raised her baby. She

was not so hungry that she must leave the den

and her cub to forage for food, she had time

to do that later when the snow melted a little

Snow Glow spent his cub hood in joy and

happiness as he nestled into the warm thick fur of

Starlight as the days went by inside the cave.

The storms outside came and went but Snow

Glow only knew how happy his days were with

his mama in the warm cave den.

The days turned into weeks and Snow Glow

grew a little bigger with every day.

Then it was time for Starlight to venture out

of her den to inspect the area around her home

and her hunting grounds. Starlight looked at her

son and spoke to him in gentle grunts and

purring sounds saying, "You must stay here until

I return. Do not leave our home. I will be back as

soon as I can, you must wait here until I return. I

love you Snow Glow, be good."

Starlight left Snow Glow in the cave and gently

covered the hole that led into the cave to protect

Snow Glow from any predators that might try to

bother him.

She padded off toward the sea to find seals to eat

and other edible foods she enjoyed. She would be

back as soon as she could find food.

Snow Glow whimpered softly to himself in the

cave and began to entertain himself with various


First he played with his stubby little white furry

tail and chased it until he was too tired to

any more.

He looked about the big cave and his eyes

widened with wonder as his eyes followed every

shadow and shape cast upon the walls of the den



Suddenly he noticed that there was movement in

the cave with him.

Every time he moved, the ‘thing’ moved too.

If he went one way, the ‘thing’ went that way too.

If he moved the other way the ‘thing’ did as well.

Every time Snow Glow did anything at all the

‘thing’ would do it too. Snow Glow could not

understand what was happening. He decided to

play hide and seek with it. When he hid from the

‘thing’ it seemed to hide as well! "What in the world

was going on here?"

Snow Glow asked himself. It didn’t matter too

much now because he was too tired out to

care so long as the ‘thing’ didn’t bite him or

bother him.

Snow Glow fell softly to sleep in his warm

comfortable den.


When morning came Snow Glow woke up but

he had not forgotten about the ‘thing’ in his cave

with him. After he opened his eyes he sought the

‘thing’ that was with him in the cave.

Nothing moved. Maybe the ‘thing’ was alright

and not anything to be afraid of, so he peered into

the depths of his cave and tried with all his might

to be brave.

His nose trembled as he tried to smell out the

‘thing’ but he couldn’t detect anything unusual


From that point on Snow Glow would not fear

the ‘thing’ that lived in his home with him and his



But he still liked to play with it when he

was lonesome. Then he suddenly realized that the

'thing' was only his shadow after all! The days

went by one by one, a week went by and then


Snow Glow was getting very hungry and he

wanted his mother to come home now. Still she

did not come for a while longer.

Then Snow Glow woke up from a happy dream

when his mother nuzzled his face and licked him all

over with joy at seeing him again! He rolled over

onto his back and Starlight sniffed his little

tummy and then she licked it too. Snow Glow was

so happy he felt like he was in heaven.

Snow Glow said, "I am so hungry mama, can I

have some milk?"


Mama lay down so Snow Glow could get all the

milk he wanted. Then he fell fast asleep with his

round tummy full of warm milk.

His face was lit up with joy as he dreamed once


Starlight took a deep sigh of relief, "Ah, home at

last with my little son, I am so happy to get

home." She pondered in her

mind the difficulties she had faced as she hunted

for food to keep her going for several more

months if necessary.

She had happened by a seal carcass that had

been eaten earlier by another polar bear. It was

very fortunate that the bear had left so much of

the seal for her to eat. She ate to her hearts

content, thoroughly cleaned her paws and face.


Then she lowered her face into the snow and

glided along it to get her soft fur as clean as

possible. Cool and refreshing was the

feeling besides a plump tummy full of nutritious

seal meat.

Then back to her den to see her baby, well, he

wasn’t quite a baby really now, but he was still

very small and he needed her about as much as

she needed him in her life.

The mother and child bond was like a twin

candle burning warm in their hearts.

Snow Glow woke up and peered up at his lovely

mother, he wanted to be just like her when he

grew up because she was so good, gentle and kind

to him.


A happy purr rose up out of his throat as he

playfully cuffed his mother on the nose with one

small paw.

Starlight pretended not to notice anything

unusual and proceeded to ignore the playful cuff.

Then Snow Glow rose up on his hind legs and

licked his mama on the nose several times.

He could smell the meat she had eaten but he

didn’t know what it was. He tried to hug his

mother but she was just too big

for him to get his paws around her neck so

he settled for a partial low down hug near her

lower chest instead.

Product Details

Epic Global Trilogy~ Environment and Adventure by Laurel Marie Sobol (Jan 28, 2012)

Excerpt - Table of Contents: "... TWO POLAR BEARS TRAVEL THE WORLD IN GLOBAL WARMING ON AN ..." See a random page in this book.
Product Details

Two Wandering Albatrosses Make a Differnece in the World Saving Their Youthby Laurel Marie Sobol (Jan 14, 2012)

Excerpt - Back Matter: "... 3651274 Two Polar Bears Travel the World in GlobalWarming Authored ..." See a random page in this book.

Product Details

Two Polar Bears Travel the World in Global Warming by Laurel Marie Sobol (Sep 26, 2011)

Other Formats: Paperback
Excerpt - Front Cover: "... Nature! TWO POLAR BEARS TRAVEL THE WORLD IN GLOBAL WARMING A Tribute ..." See a random page in this book.
Product Details

Two Polar Bears Travel the World in Global Warming on an Iceberg by Laurel Marie Sobol (Dec 10, 2011)

Paperback Order in the next 16 hours to get it by Wednesday, Oct 3.
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Excerpt - Front Cover: "... TWO POLAR BEARS TRAVEL THE WORLD IN GLOBAL WARMING ON AN ICEBERG LAUREL ..." See a random page in this book.
