Bobbi is now available!

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Laurel shares her life of miracles from al young age to present. Meet some of the people, the thoughts, ideas and genuine lifestyle that shape who she is and why she does the things she does. Bobbi is a person, she could be like anybody else, but she chooses to live differently, and this in and of itself, is one of the things that set people apart in good ways. Other people show up and are brought into play to show how many people affect one another indirectly, in the thread of life.

Overview Herbs and spices are the true treasures of the world, with many to be yet discovered in the world because the world is always changing and growing like us all. The herbs and spices in this edition are accompanied by thoughtful consideration to help a wounded earth and animals and people. There are herbs and spices that will change your world, as they have changed the lives of people for tens of thousands of years and beyond. Enjoy your life every day.


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